He managed to persuade the Government to part with £220 million to improve school dinners.
But Jamie Oliver failed to convince two mothers who are now leading a junk food rebellion.
Instead of supporting his scheme to introduce healthier meals, they are running a delivery service offering fish and chips, hamburgers and soda drinks.
Julie Critchlow, 43, and Samantha Walker, 41, launched their "meals on wheels service" for school kids who they say are not interested in "low fat rubbish" served up at lunchtimes.
The mothers said that they would resist calls for them to be banned and insist that children should be given a choice to eat what they want.
Mrs Critchlow, whose daughter Rachel,15, and 11-year-old son Steven are both pupils at the school, said: "We go up at break time and take down the orders through the school fence. We then go back at 1pm to deliver the food and give them their change.
"We are now delivering around 50 to 60 meals a day and we have no intention of stopping."
The mothers launched their fast food campaign when the children returned to school from the summer vacation to be told that they were not allowed to leave the premises at lunchtime.
"It meant they couldn't go to the local takeaways," said Mrs Critchlow.
"They don't enjoy the school food, and as a result, they were left starving, so we had to do something about it.
"We just buy the food from the local takeaway and pass it onto the children who give us the money."
She insisted that her children ate a balanced diet at home, adding: "I prepare a meal every night and we have a varied diet.
"We eat meat and at the moment in my freezer you would find chicken, chops, mince and Chinese belly pork.
"I don't know what my kids weigh but its not always down to what they eat, it's as much to do with their genes."
Mrs Walker, whose 11-year-old son John also goes to the school, said: "This is all down to Jamie Oliver. He is forcing our kids to become more picky about their food.
"Who does he think he is being all high and mighty? He can feed whatever he wants to his kids, but he should realise that other parents think differently." [Actually, it's only stupid parents who think differently!]
A spokesman for Jamie Oliver said, "If these mums want to effectively shorten the lives of their kids and others kids, then that's down to them.
Under UK government guidelines, all schools must now serve children at least two servings of fruit and vegetables per day, oily fish every three weeks, bread every day, no more than two portions of deep fried food each week, along with nuts and seeds, with no salt, fat or sugar.
It comes after Oliver's nationwide campaign last year to remove junk food from all school menus.
His claim that British school dinners were the "laughing stock of Europe" sparked a major public debate and ministers made plans to encourage healthier eating.
[Well done, Jamie! Shame on you, idiot parents! You should be arrested!]
Foot note: This happened in 2006. The two idiot mothers have been stopped now.