Here are a four creationists and what they believe:
Robert Mailloux, a 68-year-old retired businessman, dismisses Darwin's theory as "not even a low grade hypothesis" and said it had "no substantial science" in it. "The Bible says God created the Earth in six days and we [creationists] believe that. There are over 100 ways science is able to look at the Earth and 90 say it is thousands of years old - only 10 say it's real old." [work that one out if you can! I'm still trying! LOL] He adds: "The way liberals and evolutionists win an argument is to outlaw freedom of speech... they won't let us in [I wonder why!]. Why is Darwin buried with kings at Westminster Abbey? He's not a king. He's the king of the atheists' movement; he's the king of people who don't want to deal with the guilt that's put on them by sin... it's a weight and a bondage, they become their own God." [WOW! That's deep! LOL]
Dan Schoonmaker, a 26-year-old Army helicopter pilot (who, as a member of the military, gets in free [think about that]) describes himself as a "creationist in training", admitting it needed "a lot of faith". "I personally don't know, but natural selection seems to be the only thing people go on. It should be more open," he says. "There are sometimes better explanations for things, I mean people thought the earth was flat." Theories other than evolutionary science should be given more prominence and there should be an option to study creationism in schools, with parents given the choice, he believes. "I'm a creationist in training, I don't really go to church, but I'm curious about Genesis." [and this guy flies helicopters???!!!]

Laurie Geesey, a 57-year-old former high school teacher, says she believes God created "everything visible and invisible" and feels that people look down on her views "especially under the current [White House] administration" [what a twit!]. "It interferes with their lifestyle, you know 'If it feels good go ahead and do it' - the Bible doesn't teach that," she says. In fact, she's not sure Darwin believed his own theory [LOL]. Her husband, Richard Geesey, a 67-year-old retired university professor, says he was "very impressed" by the museum and liked the fact that scriptures backed up the exhibits. "I believe in a lot of this and wanted to see how accurate it was," he says. "I believe the Earth is around 5,500 years old. If you don't believe in Genesis, you don't believe in anything else." [... and this guy was a university professor???!!! I don't know whether to laugh or cry!]
Scott Rubin, a 42-year-old father-of-three from Chicago, says that he turned to God late in life. He was a business consultant until he "had an encounter with Jesus" and became a youth pastor [another nut who is allowed to have contact with 'your' kids!]. He says "evolution is a good theory, but I don't believe in it. Some parts are sensible, and some parts of creationism are sensible. When it comes down to it, how can you know for sure? What I do know is that God has changed my life. I believe God created the world in six days; I do believe that." Mr Rubin says that he "never intended to be a church guy. It makes sense why people believe in evolution, especially if they haven't had the encounter with Jesus that I've had."
[Honestly, is it really any wonder that the world is in such a mess with people like this educating your kids?]
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